Supply Chain Service

Our Product

Material Management

Material management includes a comprehensive components sourcing and procurement service, free issue and purchased material control and advanced material handling.


The materials department of experienced procurement and logistic professionals ensures that these demands are fully supported through methods such as design for procurement, thus enabling customers to concentrate on their core competencies.

We provide a total solution to material management unique to individual requirements. This includes a comprehensive components sourcing and procurement service, free issue and purchased material control and advanced material handling.

At Prosoyo Technology, the purchasing function is structured to focus on both the customers and their projects whilst maintaining market awareness of the commodities sourced or components sourcing and exploiting volume procurement opportunities through cost down activities. This approach encourages the further development of supplier partnerships and it is through this philosophy that lead times are reduced and materials are delivered at the right time, to the right quality and at the right price.


Tag : Components Sourcing, electronic manufacturing services